Please find enclosed the documents you need to make the next steps.
Nominated entries (Long lists):
Please send us these lists for each category by 5 June 2023 at the latest.
This list should include rider/horse combinations that have already qualified, those that are in the process of qualifying, as well as substitute horses for those who have more than one horse available.
Lines 1 to 4, the couples for the team, lines 5 and 6, those for the individuals and all the others from line 7.
Download Nominated Entries Form
Definitive entries (Entry form):
From June 6th, nations that already know the rider/horse pairs, will be able to make their definitive entries by sending us the entry form (one document per pair).
Download Definitive Entries Form
Summary Booking Form:
Here you can report the amount of your class and book your boxes, tack rooms and other paying services.
Please note that all documents can be filled in directly on your computer.
Download Summary Booking Form
Online registration:
For those who are used to it, it is also possible to register online at
Para Reining Riders:
For the Para Reining riders please contact us directly under
Helpful Links:
For hotel rooms with discount by our partner hotel:
To organize the travel and the border cross to Switzerland