Media Info
Dear media members,
We would like to welcome you to our shows.
Reining is a wonderful discipline of western horse riding. It must be our first priority that all competitions can take place under the best possible conditions. Therefore World Reining asks media representatives to respect the competitors, riders and horses, as well as officials and the event crew. We expect media representatives to act fair, in conformity with the German Press Code ( and with the Accreditation Agreement.
Would you therefore please be aware of the following:
All media representatives must act professionally at all times, refrain from interfering with any of the competitors/competitions and follow all instructions given by the event crew.
It is obligatory for any media representative to sign our accreditation form. The signed and stamped confirmation of accreditation must be with the media representative at all times and must be shown upon request of the event crew and/or security.
In case of violations of the accreditation form, World Reining explicitly reserves the right to bar media representatives from participating in the event.

Application for accreditation can only be made with the official accreditation form which can be downloaded here prior to any event. Any other form of application for accreditation is not possible. Accreditations are only valid with a stamp and signature. If the form is not stamped and signed after the application procedure, it means accreditation has not been granted and access will be denied.

World Reining e.V.
Schulstr. 10
64689 Grasellenbach
Represented by
Tina Schweikert
and Iain Bethke