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Last date change

The dates for the World Reining Show have now changed to accommodate another Reining event in Europe. As always, we wish to support the Reining community, and therefore have agreed to change our dates in order for the other event to proceed with their plans.

The World Reining Championships will now commence on July 3rd and will be followed by the NRHA European Affiliate hampionships starting on July 10th. Dates are now posted on the NRHA Show  Calendar on

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you all to Switzerland in July.

Prize money increase

We are delighted to announce an increase in the prize money. We will now be awarding the following prize money as follows:

  • WRC Junior riders Team 5.500 €
  • WRC Junior riders Individual (Final) 8.500 €
  • WRC Young riders Team 9.000 €
  • WRC Young riders Individual (Final)
  • 15.000 €
  • WRC Amateur riders Team 15.000 €
  • WRC Amateur riders Individual (Final) 20.000 €
  • WRC Open riders Team 25.000 €
  • WRC Open riders Individual (Final) 50.000 €

Payout calculation in the updatedEvent conditions, all finalists (20 in each division) will have their entry fee paid back.

  • WPRC Team 1.000 €
  • WPRC Individual (Final) 1.000 €

No entry fee in the world Para Reining classes.

Guaranteed prize money for the event 150.000€


Wild Cards

Following an outstanding level of interest, the show organizers have decided to allocate “Wild Cards” for entry in to the first go, in order to compete for a place in the individual finals of the World Reining Show. With great pleasure we would like to invite the top 5 Riders in the NRHA Open and Non Pro divisions from 2022 to join us in  Switzerland, this July.

We are hoping to see the highest level of competition, riding for an outstanding level of prize money and feel that an invitation to these riders will bring an additional exciting element to the show.

Explanation of deadlines

Entry in principle: (New date, March 15)
The affiliate or federation representative informs the organizer that they intend to send riders to the event.

No detailed list required, just an email stating:
„I, Mrs/Mr ……….., representing the  affiliate/federation of ………, declare that we are entering in principle the World Reining Championships 2023 in the following divisions: (Junior Riders, Young Riders, Senior Amateur Riders, Senior Open Riders, Para Riders) “

Nominated Entries: (June 4)
This is the long list of all the horses and riders that should qualify for all divisions. You can have as many names as you like.

Definitive Entries: (June 20)
Each Country submits a list of maximum 4 riders for the team plus 2 individuals in each division.

Last date for Substitutions: (New date, July 3)
This is the last opportunity to replace or exchange a rider or a horse that has failed to appear on the Nominated Entries list (Long list).

Opening of entries

If any nation is unable to nominate riders by the designated time, we request that you inform us. At this time, we will open the entries to any riders who have fulfilled the qualification criteria and hold a passport or a residence proof to the Nation they wish to represent.

We will take entries on a “first come first served” basis from riders in all the divisions, until all the places have been filled.

If the team places are filled, we will place the next two riders into the individual division. If there are still more applications, they will be placed on a waiting list.
If we do not receive applications, we will assume that a Nation is unable to submit entries from their affiliates of FNs and therefore we will think open the entries for as many riders as possible to be afforded the opportunity to compete for their Nation.

We are also looking to form “combination teams”, from riders coming from the same regions if there are not enough riders from the same country to make a team. An example could be an “Oceana Team”, or a Team “South America”. Individual riders can request to be placed into a team or abstain. Teams will be made one week prior to the start of the competition, depending on the number of riders available, at which point riders will be required to pay their portion of the team entry fee.

Horses to lease

We have riders from around the world actively seeking horses to lease for the competition. Leasing is a great opportunity for an owner to gain an international record on their horse, whilst being paid the industry standard lease fee. Lease fees can be negotiated by individuals but currently stand in the region of $5,000 per horse for the duration of an event.

Leasee also pays all costs for traveling  attendance. As all the riders will be of a recognized standard and will have had proven results in order to qualify, owners should be confident that their horses are in good hands. Furthermore, owners can attend and be part of this incredible event. If you have a horse of a suitable standard, and would be willing to lease it, please contact us and we will put it on our list, of post on our social media so that riders can contact you directly.

Para Reining

World Reining is working in alliance with World Para Reining, we shall be using their patterns classification and rules.

Please refer to their website for further  information.


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